Studio Mimoire LP cover - Platenhoes als verpakking
Packaging personality T-shirts
Platenhoes als verpakking
The Studio Mimoire T-shirts had to be perfect ( top fabric and top quality digital printing ) – without any doubt , but the packaging had to be original too and linked to the personalities and childhood memories.
I thought about what I loved so much when I was in my teens … the LP covers of my favourite singers and bands were my treasures back then. Remember Madonna’s True blue ? Or Bryan Adams’ Waking up the neighbours ?
I could listen to the albums and look at the covers for hours – singing along the lyrics that were inside or on the back cover …
So I came up with the idea of making a Studio Mimoire LP cover … for each personality T-shirt a different one , with the personality on the front cover. And an overview of the 12 personalities on the back so fans could read about them and keep the cover as a memory – a mimoire. Recorded @studiomimoire …
Hope you like them as much as I do <3
Katrien x